Chronobiology Summer School 2014 (CBS2014) in Sapporo
Details are mailed directly to the participants.
Japanese Society for Chronobiology (JSC) will hold Summer School in 2014
in Sapporo.
CBS2014 in Sapporo will provide young investigators and graduate students
the opportunities to learn the principles, the frontiers and the state-of-art
techniques from the international leading scientists. Chances for mutual
understanding among the participants will facilitate future collaborations
and progress of chronobiology.
Contact address: CBS2014Sapporo<at>
July 21 (Monday), 15:00~
To: ~July 25 (Friday), noon
Participants are recommended to attend the following symposium,
which will be held at the same place in succession to this summer school.
(The registration fee of Sapporo Symposium of the attendee is exempted.)
Sapporo Symposium on Biological Rhythm
July 25 (Friday), afternoon~
To: ~July 27 (Sunday), afternoon
Hokkaido University, School of Medicine
Sapporo, Japan
The organizers are now arranging nearby hotel to all the attendee from
The attendees will be notified about the lodging by the middle of May
<Program outline>
Lectures from international scientists (Detailed Time Table is below)
Experiment Courses in chronobiology
Tour to the Isolation unit as one of experiment courses.
<Experimental Courses in detail>
*course 1: Slice preparation of mouse brain *
Participants will learn how to prepare mouse brain slices and dissect out the
SCN and other nuclei.
*course 2: Slice preparation of mouse peripheral tissues*
Participants will learn how harvest peripheral tissues and prepare slice culture.
*course 3: SCN fluorescence/bioluminescence imaging*
Participants will learn fluorescence and/or bioluminescence imaging methods from
cultured SCN using confocal, EM-CCD and PMT. The course also demonstrates
multi-electrode dish (MED) recording.
*course 4: Recording and analysis of circadian rhythms from freely moving rodents*
Participants will learn how to record circadian rhythms of various physiological
functions from freely moving animals without disturbing their circadian rhythms.
1.Demo and practice of behavior rhythm recording by a thermal sensor and running
wheel, recording of feeding and drinking, recording of body temperature, serial
blood sampling, and vivo recordings (video lecture and demo)
2. Rhythm analysis using Clock Lab and other software.
*course 5: Temporal isolation facility tour*
1. Participants will learn how to conduct isolation experiment with human subjects.
2. Participants will learn how to measure circadian rhythm in humans.
Demo and practice of recordings from subjects living in an isolation room (e.g.
recording of rectal temperature, sleep-wake cycle, and sleep PSG).
*course 6: Drosophila course*
Brief introduction of Drosophila genetics
Basic handling of Drosophila
Circadian rhythm and sleep study using Drosophila
Serge Daan, University of Groningen
Hanspeter Herzel, Charite and Humboldt University Berlin
Erik Herzog, Washington University
Amita Sehgal, Univ. Pennsylvania
John Hogenesch, Univ. Pennsylvania
Hiroshi Kori, Ochanomizu University
Ken-ichi Honma, Hokkaido University
Sato Honma, Hokkaido University
Takao Kondo, Nagoya University
Takashi Yoshimura, Nagoya University
Kazuhiko Kume, Nagoya City University
<Organizing Committee Members>
Kazuhiko Kume, Nagoya City University, Chair
Hideo Iwasaki, Waseda University
Hiroki Ueda, University of Tokyo
Takashi Yoshimura, Nagoya University
<Local Organizing Committee Members>
Ryosuke Enoki, Hokkaido University
Yujiro Yamanaka, Hokkaido Univerisity
Daisuke Ono, Hokkaido University
Tomoko Yoshikawa, Hokkaido University
Yoshihiro Hirata, Hokkaido University
Sato Honma, Hokkaido University
Takao Kondo, Nagoya University
Shizufumi Ebihara, Nagoya University